Sunday, 29 April 2012

Work back-log

Shoes! : Production photo's | Character designs

Posted: Friday, 06 April 2012

Shoes! : Production photo's

Posted: Friday, 06 April 2012

Set Designs & props

Presentation Day

Posted: Tuesday, 06 December 2011

3D Workshop

Posted: Friday, 25 November 2011

Hey guy's here's a look at what I did today! XD
I'm just so proud of this achievement as I really loved the process - can you believe that I didn't even want to eat food due to the excitement and experience of working with character animation in 3D Max  - as this is what I really like to do Character animation. It's just really so wonderful for me and I'm loving each step of the way haha.

This is a background image I used as a texture file for the background and floor texture.

Here are two screen shots of my work in progress, haha 3D Studio Max is fun :D

3D Workshop

Posted: Saturday, 22 October 2011

3D Studio Max

Hey guy's here is my work from a university workshop on 3D Studio Max. I like the software and I am currently looking to get my skills expanded in this area and here is a look at the work so far =]

Here is an image of my left hand which was used for a skin texture in 3D Studio Max, as we had to create our hand in 3D and I must say I actually liked it alot!

The design process gets a lil complicated but once you get used to it you'll get better in no time!

So for me I would like to create and improve my skills in 3D Studio Max as soon as I can =]

This rendered picture here is a look at my hand in 3D and my skin texture - which looks cool to me despite the thumb ha-ha

So yeah a thumbs up on this one from me ^_^v

The two following images are a 3D design of Matisse's art work which was extruded and rendered for presentation, which I then animated and this was the first time of me actually animating in this software package and as you can see its quite basic but its best to crawl before running in animation I guess - so you can learn the basic and get going.

And here are the video exports of my Matisse renders.

I found this experience of animating quite fun actually because with this type of design there isn't really any fiddly bits as you can just select each shape and rotate, move or whatever which all looks good once you put it together =]

Animation work

Posted: Monday, 19 September 2011

Hey guy's here's a look at what I've done so far in terms of animation work - which took place this past academic year at LCC 2010/2011

Waiter: Working with sound:

This was a lip syncing project where we worked in pairs of two with people who we have never worked with before within our class, I was fortunate to work with Pema Denzongpa a cool and friendly character who helped to animate our animation. We shared out the roles for our project but at the same time we had to compromise a few things to get the work done in the end haha. The experience of working with a new person was and is still quite interesting lol as we both have our differences and we have to work together but at the same time we had to consider each others own personal and professional approaches to the work - which I found quite a challenging lol

*This animation was created using Adobe Flash and Final Cut Pro

For this animation the character designs were my own concepts and which were supposed to be quite simple and quite geometric in a way, I animated the old man (Pa) and Pema animated the old lady (Ma)

We had to really cut out a cool amount of stuff from our project such as our dear dear burglar who got scraped due to production time and being realistic about the amount of work that needed to be done - as one of the difficulties we faced was the use of Adobe Flash, as we had different versions of Flash but in the end it all worked out.

Right Pema lol :D

System Sound: Pix-elation Project:

This is my sense of place project, which was created from a sound track created from the sound art department at uni  by a sound art student. We never met with the sound art students for this project just so we wouldn't get any ideas from them (to keep the work original) 

So here's my interpretation of Will Archer's sound art work. Which I thought was a recording of a walk through the Elephant & Castle underground subway that leads out to the little market place there.

*For this project I used:

2x Digital Cameras | 1x Tripod | QuickTime Pro | Adobe Photoshop | Final Cut Pro 

I used a rota-scoping technique using a digital camera and tripod to capture each frame (one click at a time & pigeon steps) which is a great way to do pix-lation work. I then used QuickTime Pro to put the images together and then taking it into Final Cut Pro to compile and export, and here you go.

P.s - It was COLD!!!.....

Tea Friendly: Test Animatic

A project from uni which was based on three key words, that we randomly picked out from an envelope which we then had to create an animation based on these three words. My three words were Stress, Turquoise and Teacup.

The storyline for this project was based and inspired from the adulteration of the Tea Trade business back in the 18th centuary where basically tea was taxed from about 12.5% to 119% - which was really bad as this led the higher/upper classes to turn to "gang culture" by smuggling tea, using brutal methods to get tea into the country but one of the common things that happened during this tax was the adulteration of tea - as some tea traders or indivudals used things such as sheeps dung to poisonous copper carbonate to convince their customers that the brew they were selling was tea - which it wasn't as there was no quality control on tea at that time.

And so I wanted to create something twisted lol so till then I'll leave it here for now lol

The Worst Job Ever: (Storyboard Practise)

This piece of work is an animatic of my pre-production work for class titled, "The Worst Job Ever" this was one of my early animatic's as I'm new to animation and still learning.

This was a basic exercise to help us get used to working with storyboards and being able to tell a narrative. We basically had to think what the worst job for us would be and from there we had to create an animatic to help us explain why it's the worst job.

For me I chose to personally use my work experience at a local internet cafe which I will NOT mention =].

ART FREAK!!!!!!!!!!


Sketch Book Work Part 2
Posted: Tuesday, 6 September 2011

I just love and cherish this character design! because it has a strong and personal connection to myself. And yes this is the main character for my animation - Art Freak.

Once I found out that this was what I've been looking for I knew straight away that I'm on the right track to produce my animation. I've been listening to some music from different types of backgrounds which I find really unique and interesting let alone soothing and "cool"

Here is the selection of songs I've heard so far at this point. message keeps on changing with my ideas =]

After this point I just had a desire to research the Northern Lights which really inspired me to create more work for this project.

Here is the link:

And from the documentary I began to embark on an adventure to create the world of Art freak, which I have been trying to figure out what goes where and what does what - still, the journey continues.

Here are a few examples of rough sketches in Photoshop.

Sketch book work Part 1

Posted: Tuesday, 6 September 2011
Here is a look at the ideas I've had in my head this whole time.
I started off with this first page of Art Freak as a simple idea and did a quick and rough sketch of the idea. As at that time I was still unsure about my ideas and was still thinking what I should do.

I didn't quite understand at the time why Art Freak was such an attraction to me because before I had this idea I had other ideas which were pretty much the predictable stuff you see on T.v nowadays as my ideas back then were basically to do something fast paced with some action scenes and fighting between the main character and a "monster". I said to myself that I will not settle for anything predicable and uninteresting so I called myself to reality and began to think carefully about what to do so here is the process so far.











During this point of my work I got really and and frustrated with my ideas for Art Freak, because I was thinking to myself that this is useless and pointless, at this point I felt that I couldn't take it any more because the idea was stuck deep down inside of me somewhere and the thing that irritated me was the fact I couldn't bring this idea out - So I just decided to tear the pages as a sign of my anger/rage while I was doing this I wanted to literally scrap the whole book and forget the idea but then I kept in mind that this is my production diary and work for university so its best I keep the rest of the pages nice, intact and presentable- but sure why not kill a few pages while I'm at it?

Surely 5 pages wont hurt my work that much would it? haha ;)
P.s I was also thinking to use the words I wrote down as a motivation for my project, which hasn't taken place yet but I'm keeping an eye on it for when they are needed.






See the monster I was talking about? This idea kept on growing into something bigger and better
but....decided to scrap it for another time so I dont have to worry so much about the number of characters I use for my animation - plus to keep things original and unique =]


I really like this ground map - which is a town based in a large tree, although this idea still lacked something... so I kept on developing plans and background designs - which I've never done before but from what I'm working right now its looking great! I'm looking for a sort of native but yet fantasy yet even surreal style or theme to support the look of my work.






Another attempt at trying to simplify my monster - which I'v now saved for future plans.



Initial Sketch

Posted: Wednesday, 24 August 2011
Hey guys, this is what I've been working on later this afternoon, it's quite sketchy but its just a starting point for my animation. I'm looking at making something new or something I haven't yet designed and so here we go.

This is just a rough idea of the type of environment I'm looking for.


Anonymous said...

Dude...from deviant

you are very talented....just wanted to say that

Moses Kanneh said...

Hi there Deviant art friend, I don't know who you are but thank you for your message its heart warming